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Year 6 

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Ambassadors - Prefects - Buddies - Role Models 


Dear Year 6 parents and carers, 


2024 KS2 SATs


The KS2, year 6, SATs will take place in the week commencing 13th May 2024 over four days

Children in Year 6  will take these tests in their primary school classrooms across England. SATs tests will be taken in Maths, Reading and GPS (Grammar, Punctuation and a separate Spelling paper) under formal exam conditions. Each exam is strictly timed and supervised by school staff. 

2024 Exam Timetable

These papers will be marked externally.  Each child is then given a scaled score that ranges from 80 to 120, with a score of 100 or more meaning that the child has achieved the expected standard for year 6. Your child’s scaled score is based on their raw score (how many questions they answered correctly in the exam). 

 Separate teacher assessments in Writing will continue until the end of June and will be based on a range of writing genre and are teacher assessed.

 Please read the following letter for further information including the dates and length of each exam.  Should you have any further questions regarding SAT arrangements and your child we can discuss them at parents evening



Maths and English homework will be handed out every Monday and is to be returned completed on Friday. We will always mark homework together in class on Friday morning. Booster classes are available at dinnertime if your child needs some extra support with an aspect of their homework. Your child only has to ask. 

Spellings will be handed out on Thursday and there will be a spelling test the following week. It is important children spend time practicing these at home as it will allow them to choose vocabulary confidently when writing. 

Children have log-ins to TT Rockstars and using this to learn and consolidate their multiplication skills is a weekly expectation as part of their math homework. 10 -  15 minutes three times a week is ample. 

 In the weeks leading towards SATs, it is even more important that homework is completed and returned to school on the correct day. 

Reading Books

Home reading books have been given to all children. They must be in school everyday and the children change them once a week on a given day. Please make sure reading records, now part of their diary,  are signed and returned to school each week (on your child's day).   It is vital to ready daily with your child and discuss their books with them in order to ensure they continue to develop their inference and understanding. 


Our PE days are Tuesday and Friday. Please make sure PE kits are in school and are labelled with your child's name. Even in year 6 they get misplaced!  PE kit and footwear should be in school at all times.  This term we will be outside weather dependent.  Please make sure your child has  pumps in the correct size, shorts and a white T-shirt as well as their trainers and joggers. 


Indoor kit: white t-shirt, navy shorts, socks and black pumps.

Outdoor kit: a plain navy tracksuit, white t-shirt, socks and trainers.

Please also ensure your child brings a water bottle to school every day. It is cold outside still but it gets warm in the classroom.  One with a sports lid is preferable to minimize the damage caused by spillages. 


If you have any questions or queries please do not hesitate to contact the office or speak to us before or after school. 


The Year 6 Team

Miss Allen, Mr Kendall and Mrs Walton




Please find our class newsletter for this half term below:

Summer 1 Newsletter 2024


Please find out annual plan 2023 -24 below: 


Today a reader, tomorrow a leader. ’

Margaret Fuller

How many of our recommended reads have you enjoyed?

Please find below links to website and further learning that maybe useful to use at home.

R.E Today Resources - just click on the link to access


Click on the links below for information on the new curriculum:

New Curriculum 2014

Maths Curriculum

English Curriculum